Thursday, January 7, 2010


2010 Started off on a very high note with story on CNN about the organization that supported me to be what i am today not forgetting with the help of God . The story is just a reflection on how Music for Life the parent organization of the African Children's Choir has grown and continues to grow and how many children have come to benefit from this great vision of our Daddy Ray Barnett . Watch the story on the following link and let me know what you think

For me this is a year full of hope , dreams and a vision to spread the love to needy children and families across the globe.

Join me this year in doing the same in doing so you will be changing the world for better.

Freelance Jobs

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


After touring with the african childrens choir i came home and was recieved by my friends who had not seen me for around 2 years.

I felt so new in my own country after all that had happened when i was away among them marriages,new children not forgetting the violence that occured beginning of last year and many other things.

Kenya seams to be a land full of opportunities but only for those with fresh ideas. Those investing in I.T are destined for great heights .

I got to help out with Music for life the sponsors of the African Childrens Choir. I also got to be a model for a Nokia advert which also gave me a chance to be an assistant producer.

Life so far is o.k currently the country is experiencing Drought. But each and everyday we wake up to a new story africa the land where you never know what is coming next behind the shadows................................

Freelance Jobs

Monday, December 15, 2008

/Users/davidkanyosya/Desktop/Sing we now in exaltation --

The following is a link of one of our recent performances here in Baltimore.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Million Voices

I like this video not just the dancing but also the message that is deep in the song. Most people have talked about it and thought that i would share it with you . Listen to the message and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Lord Be Magnified

This was one of my best experiences as a child with the african children's choir. Most of this children are back in africa in different professions the combination of the two choirs was verry good in that most of this children are my best friends even when i went back in kenya we still stayed intouch.

As i watched myself pop up on this video as a child i was so humbled its great.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0001.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0002.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0009.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0010.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0012.JPG