Monday, December 15, 2008

/Users/davidkanyosya/Desktop/Sing we now in exaltation --

The following is a link of one of our recent performances here in Baltimore.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Million Voices

I like this video not just the dancing but also the message that is deep in the song. Most people have talked about it and thought that i would share it with you . Listen to the message and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Lord Be Magnified

This was one of my best experiences as a child with the african children's choir. Most of this children are back in africa in different professions the combination of the two choirs was verry good in that most of this children are my best friends even when i went back in kenya we still stayed intouch.

As i watched myself pop up on this video as a child i was so humbled its great.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0001.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0002.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0009.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0010.JPG/Users/davidkanyosya/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2105/Nov 9, 2105/000_0012.JPG

Cris Daughtry and the band were verry welcoming when we got there they joined the children and some of them got drumming lessons this sent the journalists running with their cameras to get a glimpse of the action.

The story was unexpectedly covered on idol news which brought out the message that even the most desperate and needy of africa given a chance can do amazing things and even change the world.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reach Out and Touch - African Children's Choir

Oh my goodness we used to sing this song when i was 8 years old . This children are now grownup and are working back in kenya others live in the United States. When i was in kenya we used to meet and talk about tour life some are even married. Life really goes fast.

African Children's Choir performance

Joining ben and jerry for their new ice cream brand launch was wonderful. One of our girls was interviewed and asked what she thinks about the ice cream ,she said "its life changing" ,she was asked in which way ,she said in that the proceeds from the sales would go into supporting needy people i was so moved to hear a young girl reasoning like that.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Home is Where Daughtry Is

Just watching this children with Daughtry was amazing. The kids went on stage and sung their hearts off with the band. what a pleasure.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

African Choir


Just watching myself with the kids on breakfast T.V made me feel different and learn there was still a bigger task ahead of me towards helping the poor and needy in society.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Journey Of Hope

18 years ago my life was devastated by a famine that left many people dead and homeless, i cradled in the cold not knowing what the future looked like my hopes and dreams were replaced by the need to survive. 

This set the stage for a journey that brought ''light at the end of the tunnel.''

I left for the city from a small village 300 kilometers from the capital city of kenya. I went to the city in the hope i would get something to do and maybe earn a living. On getting there all i could do was sit idle and watch the fiasco in the slums as i was only 7 years old.

It was while living in this slum called Kibera in Kenya that i heard of a selection by an organisation for needy children called Music for life.
I went there and when i got there i was amazed by the number of children who had come for the same purpose. I was among the 30 selected and left fot the United states where we toured and helped raise support for many needy children in africa. 

Today i can happily say am a graduate in Business Administration all through the support of Music For Life.

To Give back am currently a full time volunteer for the organisation in North America.