Tuesday, September 8, 2009


After touring with the african childrens choir i came home and was recieved by my friends who had not seen me for around 2 years.

I felt so new in my own country after all that had happened when i was away among them marriages,new children not forgetting the violence that occured beginning of last year and many other things.

Kenya seams to be a land full of opportunities but only for those with fresh ideas. Those investing in I.T are destined for great heights .

I got to help out with Music for life the sponsors of the African Childrens Choir. I also got to be a model for a Nokia advert which also gave me a chance to be an assistant producer.

Life so far is o.k currently the country is experiencing Drought. But each and everyday we wake up to a new story africa the land where you never know what is coming next behind the shadows................................

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