Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Lord Be Magnified

This was one of my best experiences as a child with the african children's choir. Most of this children are back in africa in different professions the combination of the two choirs was verry good in that most of this children are my best friends even when i went back in kenya we still stayed intouch.

As i watched myself pop up on this video as a child i was so humbled its great.


dave said...

david! (daudi!)

great to find your blog, just stumbled on it by accident.

we haven't met, but hopefully some time. i was with 27 and 29 and now 31.

have fun with barb, she was the best admin ever!

we're having a great time here, settling in, doing our first few shows... you remember how that was. it's been great.

blessings, brother.

david turner

dave said...

let's hear something new hear, man!